Tokyo 2021 Appeal Process
Athlete Nomination and Selection Tokyo 2021 Supplementary Guidelines
The below supplementary procedures should be used in conjunction with the SDSI rules, however, please note that the below detail supersedes any original rules as they relate to administration, process, and timelines.
- Combined form to be completed by the appealing party and filed with SDSI secretariat and respondent body at the same time along with all supporting documentation as it relates to the appeal of an athlete nomination.
- Reply form to be issued by secretariat and timeline for return set out (min 24hrs) depending on urgent need.
- All parties must provide one contact email address for all correspondence relating to the appeal and note that all correspondence will be through that nominated address.
- Reply form to be returned to secretariat and copied to appellant.
- All nomination appeals will be heard by a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the secretariat based on availability from panel (subject to any conflicts of interest being clarified at point of appointment).
- Date/time of appeal arbitration to be confirmed in collaboration with all parties.
- Appeal arbitrations will take place on Zoom and will be managed by secretariat.
- All hearings will be heard within a maximum of 5 days from notice filed.
- All timelines are at the discretion of the secretariat.
- Arbitrator to issue verbal ruling on the day of hearing.
- Arbitrator to issue written ruling to secretariat within 24 hours of hearing.