We’re here to help
SDSI is an independent specialised dispute resolution service for Irish Sport offering both a mediation and arbitration facility.
About us
Sport Dispute Solutions Ireland (“SDSI”) is a not for profit dispute resolution service for Irish Sport offering mediation and arbitration. SDSI is committed to providing a timely and cost effective independent dispute resolution facility for Irish Sport. Provision for Sport Dispute Solutions Ireland in the governing documents of sporting organisations is one of the objectives of the Programme for Government. To date 64 National Governing Bodies for Sport have made provision for the referral of disputes to Sport Dispute Solutions Ireland.

“Sports organisations do best to resolve differences under their own governing codes, rather than recourse to the courts of law. Issues of natural justice are important but the substance of matters rather than their form are important in seeking to resolve internal disputes in such organisations and recourse to the courts should be a last resort, and only in the rarest of cases.”
Smyth.J, Kieran Gould V. Michael Sweeney & Others, High Court, 23rd January 2007