JSI is an independent dispute resolution service for Irish Sport offering both a Mediation and Arbitration facility.
Please click on the relevant link to find a summary of the costs involved in the facility of interest to you. The issue of costs shall be reviewed by Just Sport Ireland on an annual basis.
Mediation Costs
The cost of Mediation with JSI is €1,500, which is shared equally between the Parties (€750 each). This is to cover the cost of the Mediator (€1,000) and the JSI administration costs (€500). The nature of mediation requires that the costs be paid up front and be split equally between the parties. Please note that this does not preclude one party agreeing to refund the other party its half of the mediation costs as part of the overall settlement agreement.
Arbitration Costs
The cost of Arbitration with JSI is €2,000 for a sole Arbitrator and €3,000 for a Panel of three Arbitrators. This is to cover the costs of the Arbitrator (€1,000 for Sole Arbitrator, €2,000 for a panel of three arbitrators) and the administration costs of JSI (€1,000).
Unless the parties agree otherwise, the Arbitrator shall as part of his/her award determine which party should bear, or in which proportion the parties should share the costs of the arbitration. Please note however that, save where the Arbitrator decides otherwise, each party shall be responsible for its own expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration for example, legal fees, witness costs and expenses and interpretation fees.
JSI will seek an advance on the costs of the arbitration which shall be paid in equal amount.